Help Support the Pastor for Christmas!
(Share your love to them)

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you" - John 15:12

In August 2018

I was in India for a month. I went home after ten years. There was a significant change in the cities, villages, and towns that turned into something that I did not recognize. My hometown changed with many new roads and new buildings. It was an exciting trip, but also a shocking experience to see the change.

During this time I was also married to Stellah Avanthi - on the 16th of August.

While I was in India, I have met these pastors you see below. Each one of them, with their families. It was a great joy to see all of them. They shared memories how we used to work together, how we used to play cricket, how we used to cook and eat dinners together - I used to be with them pretty much all the time. These were great moments that I have spent while I was there. Their joy in sharing God's good news did not fade away; they are still the same in excitement and eagerness to share the goodnews of Jesus Christ with others. I spent at least two days talking to them. I have preached to them. It was a great time!

“For God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you demonstrated for his name by serving the saints—and by continuing to serve them.” Hebrews 6:10.

However, what I noticed is: in spite of doing a great ministry in the rural parts of India, they still do not have a self-supporting Churches. Their churches cannot support a pastor any time soon. I would say not unless the nastiness of political changes in India. They steal from the poor and build mansions for themselves while the poor remain poor. These church families provide some eggs, or a small bag of rice, or some fresh vegetables to their pastors. That is it. Do the take offering on Sundays? Yes, they take an offering, but it won't be much than a couple of dollars. 

I have seen their passion for sharing the gospel first hand. They are poor, but authentic and sincere when it comes to sharing the gospel. Because of the reality that I experienced I thought I could do some help. When I was there, I fed them with good food, at least something I could do. However, then I thought what I could do for them. Then it came to my mind that maybe we could provide some clothes, and food for their families and have a gathering. This provision would be excellent, not because they receive something, but seeing joy and happiness in their eyes and hearts. 

Because I was there, and I have met and talked to these men, I am asking you to trust us, trust the Lord and help these men. 

I am raising funds to give a pair of clothes for the pastors, Sarees for their wives and food during the Christmas season. 

Would you please take a moment and share your love for these pastors families? It doesn't need to be large amounts. Any gift given with a cheerful heart is a gift.

Please, I ask you, to help them. Can you help them with a dollar? Please do it.

Paul encourages Timothy and Titus to do "good works" so that others would come to know the Lord through the believers. That good works include helping their community, and so our community. Help these pastors so they could reach more people and share the gospel.

We all have, as believers, whatever nationality we might be, the same Lord. It is just on different continents worshipping the same Lord. Isn't that something to think and rejoice in the Lord?

I ask you to please help them. Please do not turn your face away. Please do not hesitate. Please do not miss this opportunity to minister; please do not miss this time of sharing your love for others. 

If you will, please pray, and please visit this link to support our brothers and sisters in Christ who are thousands of miles away.

God bless you.
Joel Madasu.

Help Pastors Celebrate this year's Christmas!

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” - Luke 3:68