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It 's hard to convince orthodox Hindu women to whom the cross is an offense. According to Indian culture, men are unable to witness to women, but women can witness to other women. Therefore, Mrs. Grace Madasu took the responsibility of witnessing primarily among non-Christian women with her team of 25 committed Bible women who were trained biblically by our local pastors. They are engaged in sharing the Gospel every weekend in different villages and conducting fellowship meetings among Christian women in our local churches. The Bible programs which they are organizing are very exciting, not only to Christian women, but also to non-Christian women who are encouraged to attend our local churches, get saved, and be baptized by our local pastors.
We’ve been conducting women’s meetings for the past twenty years. God has used us to spread the Word of God among the women in villages with a few Bible women who have trained for three years do the job. We visit different villages and see people who don’t believe in Christ but are interested in knowing Him. We clarify their doubts; answer their questions, and explain to them why they need to believe in Christ. As in 2 Timothy, no one accepted our words in the beginning, but later God opened their hearts and touched them.
Because many are illiterate, we explain the Word of God and teach them through parables from the Bible; then we help them repeat the verses. We teach them songs and games, too. Some accept Jesus as their personal Savior. They attend regular Bible women training classes as well as Sunday services each week in their villages. God is doing marvelous things through us. All praise and glory be to Him.
We are conducting several cultural activities and programs, Bible games, and quiz programs to build their enthusiasm for God’s work. Through women’s meetings, many idol worshippers are accepting Christ as their Savior, and this leads their children and husbands to believe in Christ.
We also conduct area-wide women’s conferences. We annually bring together 20 to 25 women from each church and provide them with sewing machines for their livelihood. We help them by providing their basic food and clothing. By God’s grace, we are also able to provide old people with some basic needs.
What Can You Do for the Women's Ministry?
Working with women in the villages is a great opportunity to reach women and their families. But, we also need to be cautious.
Pray for our ministry!
We believe that prayer is essential for ministry.
We believe that prayer is essential for ministry. After all, our ministry is God's work and He is using us to accomplish His purpose. So we need His wisdom and guidance.
Please pray that God will guide us and give us wisdom as we minister in the villages among women. Please pray that God will enable the women to see and hear the truth from the Scripture. After all, salvation belongs to the Lord!
Partner with our Ministry!
Christ sent out two to work together.
Mark 6:7 indicates that Christ called the twelve and sent them two by two. What this suggests is that pairs encourage each other, creates a common understanding, and company. This was also a common Jewish tradition (Eccl. 4:9-10).
Come partner with us! Work with us! You are invited to come to India and be a part of the Women's ministry! Experience in person is far better than simply hearing a word, even though words, messages, newsletters matter. So, please come and be a part of the ministry!
Present our Ministry!
Share what God is doing through us among the Indian Women!
What we mean by present our ministry is basically asking you to please share about what God is doing through us among the women in India.
There are hundreds and thousands of women who need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Share our burden with others and ask them to please pray so that God will save many more in the days to come!
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How Else Can you Help Us Reach More Women?
Sponsor or Support Women's Ministry Financially...!
Sponsor A Woman
Help enable a woman with monthly support to reach other women.
Women can reach other women more effectively to share the gospel. By sponsoring a woman who works with the BMC, you are enabling her to reach more women in their village and the surrounding villages.
In some parts of our areas, women are more responsive to the gospel. So, please pray and seek God's guidance to this matter. And if the Lord leads you to support, please do.
Sponsor A Sewing Machine
Help enable a woman to provide for herself with a Sewing Machine.
Why sewing machine? Because it helps her to make a living. Not many can provide for their basic needs. Many work in agricultural fields in the day and what they receive is not much.
For $107, you can provide a sewing machine, where a BMC woman can learn how to sew and make dresses. Then she can sell those, or tailor stitch some clothes to someone and get paid.